My name is Ruan, A Platform Services Engineer focused on the VMware and Cloud World. I started as a Desktop engineer quite a while back. Even then the repetitive nature of reloads did not sit well with me. Even later on when I moved on the Server and Desktop Hardware Support, testing needed to be Automated.
I am now venturing into the world of SysOps / DevOps, not sure what that actually mean, but still doing it. I once heard someone say “The best way of learning is by teaching”, thus I will try to teach someone else something new here. I have learned most of what I know from other Blogs and believe I should start giving back a bit now.
This Blog is intended to show my journey into Infrastructure as code and automation practices. I am far from an expert in any field but found that I am fairly capable of getting out of trouble using my 18 years of experience, training and bit(lot) of Googling.
I hold a few VMware VCP certifications and a VCAP Datacenter Deploy certification. I also hold a old Microsoft MCITP Enterprise admin certification. With some hands on experience in the Cloud worlds of AWS and Microsoft Azure.
I am a very passionate Home Lab builder as well (read as; Design, Build, Destroy and repeat). I tend to play around with multiple technologies and eventually hammer something together that form a solution to a problem that never existed before I touched it. IaC is also something I stared embracing lately as it makes the inevitable Lab rebuilds so much easier.
To learn a bit more about me, feel free to check out my links